Guest house " De Zotte Pater"
Steenbergstraat 17
9520 Zonnegem (Sint-Lievens-Houtem)
Zonnegem is a sub-municipality of Sint-Lievens-Houtem located in South East Flanders. Small village of 278 hectares with 625 inhabitants, located in a strongly undulating and beautiful landscape at the foot of the Flemish Ardennes. The Smoorbeek, which belongs to the Molenbeek basin, flows through Zonnegem. The Smoorbeek Valley is managed as a nature reserve by Natuurpunt Houtem and is a stone's throw from the Guest House.
The VZW Oude Brouwerij van Zonnegem is an initiative to bring the special appearance of the former brewery back to life and to preserve the grandeur of the past as much as possible.
That is why they occasionally organize a cozy event in the courtyard.
On these occasions the ' Zonnegemse Zot ' is also served, our own beer, brewed with a nod to the past.
If you want to know more details about the history & recovery of the brewery complex, surf to https://www.oudebrouwerijzonnegem.be
Also worth mentioning is the horse procession in Zonnegem, which takes place every year on the last Sunday of September and attracts hundreds of horses, tractors, carriages and other "horse riding".
And finally, Houtem Jaarmarkt in the center of Sint-Lievens-Houtem is also more than worth a visit. The fair has been recognized by UNESCO as cultural heritage. Every year on November 11 and 12 - the name day of Livinus - tens of thousands of visitors, from far outside the province, descend on the almost two hectare market square to inspect and buy horses and cattle and to enjoy the popular funfair atmosphere. Afterwards, all eateries and cafes fill up.